Friday, February 28, 2014

Accessing 26AS or TRACES website from outside India

Update July 27, 2014

Looks like now NRIs can also access 26AS through different website.

TDSCPC services for NRIs is available through . Kindly register and access TDSCPC NRI services through same.


26AS (TDS form) can be accessed online if one is available for your PAN. It can be accessed

1. From the bank website after you login to your account

2. or income tax website ( and then click on 26AS

3. or directly from

If you are doing that from India, you will not have any problem. But if you are overseas and trying to access you can do all of the above except logging into TRACES website. It throws up an error "
Site is not available due to technical reason.". It beats me why anyone would want to have that sort of security if I can call it that.

There are couple of ways to beat that. If your company has a VPN server in India, login to that. You should have no problem in accessing 26AS after that.

If that option is not available, there are few folks selling VPN service for India. If you are buying, make sure you are getting IP that belongs to India (Indian ISP). Reverse is more popular. I didn't have confidence in any of those sites. So decided not to buy.

Another easier and cheaper option is to use web proxy in India. Search for that. You will find quite a lot of proxy's. I picked from for demonstration.

Open 'Internet Explorer', click 'Tools' --> Internet Options --> Connections --> LAN Settings. Select Proxy server check box and enter IP address and port details.

Now you should be able to access TRACEs website.



  2. Great.. it worked very perfect using a recent indian Proxy server from the Proxynova site.

    Thanks for the blogger.. It helped a lot.

  3. Worked perfect for me .. Thanks a ton!

  4. Worked perfect for me .. Thanks a ton!

  5. able to reach but download as pdf does not work

  6. I want to access aadhaar website. what is the proxy?

  7. TRCES for NRI site sucks. Worst service of India.

    1. This could be one reason that I may not return to India. … rampant rising "nationalism" is the other reason.

  8. Great thanks , It worked very well with latest proxy list from Proxynova

  9. Great!It works Thanks so much!

  10. Traces for NRIs does not let you download the Form 26as for the last few days!! Every time you click on the link "HTTP DOWNLOAD" after selecting the file you want to download, a new window/tab opens saying that they want you to register! Duh, I'm already registered!!!!!!! Can India be more stupid than this?

    1. same issue....

    2. this issue is with Indian customer as well...I cant download my form 26AS, its redirecting to login page again..pathetic

  11. TRACES site is the worst government site that I've ever seen.
    First registering on this site was a pain.
    Now its been a week and it still shows my request for form 26AS as "submitted".
    Do not even provides a clue when it'll be avaialble for download.

  12. I am not an NRI but temporarily in UK. I'm not able to download my 26as, either from my bank account or IT sitting in UK. What's the remedy.

    1. I am also victim of same being in USA

    2. I am unable to register on TRACES while in USA.They always send out an email saying "registration failure because of invalid data" . I dont know what to do.I am entering correct data.

    3. Same here..not sure what is the issue

    4. Same here as well. Not sure what's the problem. Anyone got to know anything?

    5. This is same for me even if I enter data as per TDS cut looking at 16A cert from bank matching the exact month and year of actual payment by bank.

    6. I am temporarily out of India and face the issye of downloafing Form 26AS thru TRACES. Frustrating experience.

    7. Same issue with me as well.

    8. I also face the same issue. Anyone know how to solve it yet?

  13. Thanks man. You are a lifesaver. I managed to get a proxy from the site mentioned above and view my 26AS.

  14. This is extremely valuable information. As you suggested, I went to the Proxynova site and was easily able to access the India site and download the Form 26AS. Thank you again!

  15. Most useful advise. Works fine. Thanks.

  16. Extremely helpful information in this dumb era of 'Indian' e-governance.
    It worked perfectly for me. For pdf downloads, wait a little longer after clicking buttons and it will let you save pdfs. Bullshit governance bullshit website bullshit bullshit

  17. great..and helpful Blog...Kudos...

  18. Thumbs up! this is a 2014 blog .... and I am using it here in 2018 as well... your proxy idea is so wonderful and simple to use, just because of this blog. thanks for helping users like me :).

  19. Thank you so much, its a very useful link.

  20. I am unable to register on TRACES while in USA.They always send out an email saying "registration failure because of invalid data" . I dont know what to do.I am entering correct data.Please help out if ANYONE facing same ISSUE. THANKS, Vish.

  21. I too face the same error everytime, they say registration failure. Crap website.

    1. I too face the same error everytime, they say registration failure. Crap website. MR. Modi should help


    Worked !!

  23. When i set the proxy, I cant browse any website.. how do i download 26AS pls?


    1. log into
      click on option to view 26as
      it will take you to traces site. select year and select html format. then you will be able to click on download as pdf.

      the whole thing is very slow but it works.

  24. works like a charm. prefer an elite proxy over anonymous or transparent. It is very slow but gets work done.

  25. Million Thanks to the blogger.

  26. I'd been struggling to create an account on the NRI website but every time I used get an error. Your solution worked. Thank you so much.

  27. Works like a charm in 2019 as well. Keep blogging and helping others.

  28. Careful there! its a proxy- which means any information you send to it can be captured and read by the proxy. Everything, your pan card #, dob, your bank info everythnig, your overseas number, your email...everything you send, Your info Can be used for all kind of nefarious purposes.

    1. I agree with you. No one knows what will happen to all the info that is sent via proxy. Indian government and banking sector are not good when it comes to electronic data handling. They want NRIs to invest in India but don't provide e-services when it's needed the most as we cant go to their physical office as needed, but with years they dont seem to understand or improvise. Worst part is I am even unable to leave a feedback (as it loops back to the NRI TRACES site), and there is no email address in contact us too. It gives 2 phone numbers which am sure they will be reluctant to answer. I haven't tried though. I am planning to call the number today.

  29. I attempted to try through Safepay with Bitdefender which gives me VPN. I was able to register but guess will have to wait for an activation email before I can login. So I will wait to see if I get the mail.

    Also I noticed a customer support email when it took me into the site after registering. However, I was not able to copy the email address as it logged me out and can't login again until I get the email.

    So have to patiently wait.

  30. Thanks friend for timely help. God Bless you.

  31. E filing site directed me to the Trace site to view / download my Form 26 AS. I registered on that site but whenever I tried to login it says you are not registered. Then I used a VPN provider service to provide me proxy Indian server. I was immediately able to down load my form 26AS.

  32. Thanks so much! The proxy worked

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